Jennifer Lamore – It’s Important to Treat an Injury

September 27, 2011

Jennifer Lamore explains why it’s important to get treated if you have an injury.

Comment below

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Mississauga, Ontario

Morning aches and swollen joints: Osteoarthritis

May 26, 2011

By definition osteoarthritis is a chronic degeneration of the articular cartilage and subchondral part of bone in joints. Healthy cartilage is resilient and able to yield under compression and recover when the weight has been removed. This is partially due to the fact that cartilage is 80% water! Osteoarthritis can be as a result of years of biomechanical stress or have no known cause. It is one of the oldest known conditions, and as a result massage has been it’s primary treatment for eons, with mention of massage as treatment in by Hippocrates in 400 BC and Chinese writings as far back as 3000 BC .

In the early stages the ends of the bone where the cartilage resides start to break down. Initially the response is for the joint to swell as the body attempts to heal itself. However because cartilage has little or no blood supply this inflammatory response is ineffective. This stage may last for years.

Over time the number cells that cause the inflammatory response lessen and the cartilage thins and softens, forming ridges and portions of the cartilage start to break off into the joint space. Eventually the more sensitive subchondral bone becomes exposed. Later as the subchondral bone remodels and thickens, and the exposed surface becomes polished from the constant bone on bone contact. Small fractures and cysts appear and weaken the bone structure. In an attempt to support the joint, new bone and cartilage grow at the ends of the joint called bone spurs or osteophytes altering the shape of the joint and restricting movement, as well as compressing nerve roots, such as in the spine. Muscles in both stages may tighten and go into spasm.

Massage can complement to a complete osteoarthritis pain management program(exercise, proper nutrition , drug therapies, stress management, hydrotherapy) -after correct medical diagnosis by your doctor or rheumatologist- for all stages by addressing the symptoms- loosening tight muscles, increasing local blood flow, and increasing range of motion-how far you can move! It can also help with the stress of the condition- by enhancing your sense of well being, so you can get on with your day, be it work or play!

To book a visit with Jennifer to see how she can help you with your osteoarthritis pain contact Ultimate Sports Therapy today!

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Mississauga, Ontario

Ultimate Sports Therapy – Frozen shoulder

April 18, 2011

Frozen shoulder aka adhesive capsulitius   is a painful shoulder and arm condition that tends to affect women between the ages of 40-70. It is called this not because it makes you feel cold, but frozen and stiff in the sense of a frozen statue!  It can resolve on its own in two years, but several studies have shown it can affect people for 5- 10 years.  It generally happens in 3 stages. The first is the acute or “freezing” the shoulder is very painful and you are unable to move it much, if at all. The second is the “frozen” stage- lasting roughly 4-12 months-where the arm increases in motion, there is less pain, but there are adhesions within the joint capsule itself. The most notable area of adhesion is the biceps tendon with the subscapularis (the back of your rotator cuff) tendon. This results in the rotator cuff muscles adhering to the glenoid rim- the part of the shoulder blade that is attaches to the humerus    ( arm bone) . Causing the joint to thicken and tighten the third is the “thawing phase” or chronic stage, where motion and function returns, however full motion entirely may not be regained. There is no longer pain at nighttimes.

What causes Frozen Shoulder?? In some cases, maintaining a hyperkyphotic posture (the position of sitting at a computer all day, taking care of babies or aging parents) can cause an alteration of the scapuohumeral (the shoulder blade and your arm) alignment.   Systemic medical conditions seem to predispose people to it- such as diabetes, thyroid conditions, and Parkinsons

It is important to seek treatment in the acute phase as soon as possible as this corresponds heavily to the recovery time required. I have treated several clients in the past with this condition successfully, by giving clients a compressive treatment plan.

Book your appointment today to see how I can help you!

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Mississauga, Ontario

Ultimate Sports Therapy – Sports Massage Therapist Jennifer Lamore discusses hypermobility

March 24, 2011

Hyper -what?  Being prone to sports injuries:  sprains, and the pains getting on your nerves.

I would definitely say that at least ten percent of my clients suffer from the consequences of hypermobility. Seven of those due to body type, and three percent because they were pregnant or are currently.

The definition is an increased range of motion (ROM) at a joint. This can occur in one spot or be an overall condition.  Hypermobility can be graded by utilizing a point system that measures the flexibility of specific joints called The Brighton Scale- to determine the extent of their  Hypermobility.  I use it when I suspect someone’s discomfort or injury may be due to this condition.

They may be further at risk for musculoskeletal symptoms and injuries such as   sprains, tendinitis, and nerve entrapments (like carpal tunnel syndrome). Of these approximately five percent of these present with Hypermobility Syndrome- muscle and joint pain, tendonitis, hyperextensible skin, and structural heart problems.  Women and children tend to be more susceptible than men, especially when pregnant. This is due to the fact that a hormone named relaxin is released during pregnancy to allow the joints and ligaments to help with the labour and delivery of the child. This hypermobility remains noticeable in the pelvis, ankle and feet.
Also certain other conditions predispose people to Hypermobility. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA- an autoimmune disorder that attacks the joints causing inflammation and breakdown of connective tissues) results in Hypermobility of the affected joints. Ehlers-Danolos Syndromes is an inherited disorder that are hallmarked by overall excessive joint hypermobility often to the point of dislocations. Those  that have Marfans syndrome-generally unusually tall and thin body types-where elastin (the protein that is found in connective tissue)-  is fragmented, characterized  by  symptoms ranging from eye and to heart problems.

Other causes of hypermobility would be due to occupation or activity- such as an acrobatics or gymnast, Compensation due to lack of motion elsewhere in the body, or trauma to a joint- such as an ankle sprain. This can result in sore and tight muscles as they rally to hold the joint together in an attempt to compensate for the lack of stability formerly provided by the ligaments that have overstretched. The joint capsule itself can become overstretched. This is why strengthening and always maintaining that muscle strength becomes important, and where I evaluate the clients’ relative strength and provide appropriate exercise.

If you suspect you suffer from this condition, be it in your shoulders or all over, feel free to contact me at Ultimate Sports Therapy for your free initial assessment as how I can help you with your pain today!


For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Mississauga, Ontario

Massage Therapist – Jennifer Lamore discusses Whiplash

February 25, 2011

Massage Therapist – Jennifer Lamore discusses Whiplash Read the rest of this entry »

How Massage Can Benefit Parkinson’s Patient

February 10, 2011

Recently I had a discussion with a client regarding Micheal J. Fox, he of 80’s hits Back to the Future and the TV show Family Ties. These days he is also recognized  as the self-appointed spokesperson for those who suffer from Parkinson’s.  Many of us have a relative or know someone that has been affected by Parkinson’s, and most people also seem to have many misunderstandings of how this affects people and what can be done for treatment.

Named for the Doctor who first clinically documented in 1817, it kills the cells that create a chemical called dopamine in the part of the brain (the basal ganglia)  that is responsible for balance and co-ordination. Generally it does not occur until mid to late 60’s, but can affect some between 21 and 39, such as our dear Canadian-born Micheal J. The main difference being that the younger group characteristically has twisting movements and tend to respond better to drug therapy.

Parkinson’s often begins as something as simple as more hunched shoulders or a shaky little finger. It can progress into postural changes from contractures, slow shuffling gait and tremors at rest (when  the person is attempting to  be still), and eventually immobility. Other symptoms can appear such as fatigue, constipation, depression, problems swallowing and speech difficulties. The cause is unknown and there is no cure though research is ongoing, and through the success of symptom treating drugs such as Levodopa, over 50% of  of those affected can now live to average life expectancy. It is no longer a disabling death sentence.

I can hear you already- Jennifer, what the heck does massage have to do with a disorder that attacks the  central nervous system??  Massage techniques can aid where the body’s functions have become limited- such as poor tissue health by encouraging venous return(blood) and lymphatic flow(waste). Feedback during the treatment is important as there can be sensory changes, in that some areas may be painful that are normally not. Manually moving joints and stretching of the muscles and tissue by the therapist to maintain their range of motion and the clients body awareness is also recommended.  This also helps to limit the contractures that can  form. Standard abdominal massage can also help with any constipation, all done slowly and gently as to not overstimulate the nervous system. One hour weekly massage treatments are recommended.

What can the Parkinson’s client do on their own? Any movement programs such as Tai-chi and Yoga to help with flexibility, balance and co-ordination. To maintain cardiovascular health, regular walks and gentle exercise programs within the clients tolerance  and avoid fatigue.

If you have Parkinson’s, or know someone who does, feel free to contact me at the clinic for a free clinical assessment today.

Yours in health,

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Mississauga, Ontario

Pre and Post Event Massage- win the race, or at least be ready for the next one!

December 2, 2010

Previously we spoke about types of massage, and in this edition as promised I’m going to further discuss when and where a sport massage is appropriate.

Depending on your level of previous sports experience, you may or may not have already experienced the benefits of a pre and post tournament massage. For those that have not, such as those of you who compete at an amateur level, or just purely for fun, I will explain.

Most competitive sports teams have many medical professionals travel with them when they compete and train-doctors, Chiropractors, Nutritionists, Athletic Therapists, and yes, even Massage Therapists. Just like the members of the team, they travel on the team bus and endure early and complicated schedules. Even Racehorses have massage therapists – (Equine Massage-something which I also have extensive training in!).

Some of the eastern martial arts already incorporate massage and bodywork techniques as part of their training- Karate, Jeet Kune Do, Maui Thai etc. (though with Muai Thai   massage it involves the vigorous application of  spicy-hot oil!) Tui-na (the use of brisk movements of the hand including the knuckles) and lots of stretching.

Now, you are thinking- “My goodness, if Horses can get massages, why shouldn’t I ?”

(at least I hope you are!!)

Unfortunately, the old “I’m a tough guy, tough guys don’t get massages” attitude prohibits people from the possibility of competing at a higher level that the athletes, (and horses!), I  previously mentioned do.

Like what? Increased range of motion- meaning possible further strikes, faster reaction time, increased confidence, decreased recovery time.

Definitions: Pre-event massage: Generally a quick, light, invigorating to maximize blood flow. It may or may not involve some stretching provided by the therapist. This also can help with your pre- event jitters, relaxing and centering you, giving you a confident edge over your opponent.

Post-event massage: Important to have promptly after your event, especially if you have sustained any injuries. Massage helps with removal of waste products, aiding your systems in flushing out metabolites, and avoiding complications from bruising such as “myositis ossificans”- (the calcification of the blood within a muscle or to a bone. The more severe the contusion, the greater risk this has of forming.) Also at that time other old injuries that becoming irritated can be attended to. The therapist may also suggest a visit to the appropriate medical professional, should the injury suggest further investigation   that is outside of the massage scope of practice.

So, if you think you might want to keep up with the other racehorses, book your massage Today!

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Missisauga, Ontario

Ultimate Sports Therapy Annual Pot Luck Holiday Party

November 24, 2010

Myths and Legends- Jennifer Lamore, RMT, explains massage to the uninitiated:

November 18, 2010

“I’ve never had a massage before…”

Well you’re not alone. I hear this a few times a week. This first article in a series aims to explain and dispel some myths that are out there, especially as it pertains to martial arts training.

First off, let me address the types of massage that you frequently hear about:

Relaxation Massage– this is the type most are familiar with. The end of the workday or massage you get on vacation, or gift you give to your loved one at a spa. The therapist uses general Swedish techniques. This is what many therapists use all over the globe,

(the requirements for registration in Canada are the most stringent) to provide increased circulation and promote an overall sense of well being.

Deep Tissue/Sports Massage– the type that most people hear horror stories about.

This is just a deeper massage that allows for increased recovery time after hard

or frequent training sessions or to release any tissue damage that may have occurred in contact sparring. The techniques used may be uncomfortable later that day and up to 3 days later as healing takes place, like the discomfort you will feel after a hard workout. Sports massage can also be beneficial right before or right after a tournament (more on that later!).

Therapeutic Massage: This type of massage is generally shorter, and can focus on one area of the body. You may be physically assessed beforehand to aid in the type of treatment that would be best for your needs and/or dysfunction. Specific conditions can also be addressed in this type of treatment such as pregnancy, fibromyalgia, tension headaches, plantar fasciitis, scoliosis, sprains and dislocations.

Common Questions/concerns:

“I’m afraid it’s going to hurt..”

A good therapist should always work within your pain tolerance, however if it is your first massage the therapist  may wish to err on the side of caution and be gentler until it is determined how your body personally, and uniquely  may respond to treatment.

A deeper massage such as Sports massage may leave you sore as already mentioned. However communication is key. We are trained to watch for physical & physiological reactions in order to treat safely, but if you are uncomfortable during the massage, or conversely if you feel it is not deep enough, please let your therapist know.

How many treatments will I need?”

This can vary depending on the condition, your budget, your desired outcome, and frequency of activity. This should be discussed and agreed upon number of treatments. If you are new to a training regimen, or style, a couple of treatments in a row can help you adjust, then a regular monthly visit for maintenance, and to keep on top of any possible problems before they become a dysfunction or a “chink in your armor”-!


For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Missisauga, Ontario


Want to Learn How to Stay Slim

November 11, 2010

When people ask me how I stay so slim, I tell them my secret- get a dog! (Or better yet, rescue one from your  local city pound or one of the great many rescue groups that save dogs from being put to sleep in Quebec and  The States.)

A few months ago I found myself with a knee injury and a  new dog, and so the two things worked out
quite well. I discovered my neighborhood in minute detail (today I ate some lovely wild plums
from a nearby tree, for example), and also am getting to know my neighbours. So I have become
a great proponent of one of the easiest exercise programs in the world- walking!

There are so many benefits to walking-  the following is an excerpt from the Canadian  Centre for Occupational Health and Safety website:

“Regular walking has a direct impact on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, by:
•    reducing the risk of coronary disease and stroke,
•    lowering blood pressure,
•    reducing cholesterol levels in blood,
•    increasing bone density, hence preventing osteoporosis,
•    managing the negative effects of osteoarthritis, and
•    easing back pain.
Regular walking also improves general health and longevity. According to the US Report of the Surgeon General, not only do walkers live longer but also the quality of their lives improves dramatically.
If you walk regularly means you walk daily, or at least a few times a week for about 30 minutes or longer. When you walk regularly, much like other kinds of moderate and low impact physical activities that involve the whole body, you can greatly improve your cardiorespiratory fitness and function. Also, once you become a regular walker:
•    you are less likely to fall and suffer leg or hand fractures because your bones are stronger,
•    you are less likely to sustain any injury because your joints have a better range of motion and the muscles are more flexible.
Improved capability to control body weight
Your body weight reflects the balance between the calories you take in as food and the calories you expend through your normal daily physical activities in life. Walking for 30 minutes covers a distance of 2.0 to 2.5 km and burns about 125 calories (520 kilo Joules). This amount may not seem like much, but if you walked five days a week within one year you would burn over 32,000 calories which would burn off more than 5 kg of fat. Moreover, the latest scientific evidence shows that you would derive even greater benefits from walking if you burned a minimum of 2000 calories per week by walking (about 8 hours a week, spread throughout the week).
Improved mental health
Walking, particularly when walking with good company and in pleasant surroundings, reduces depression and anxiety. Walkers also tend to be good sleepers.”

They also answer a question that I hear a lot from my massage therapy clients- what about shoes?
And I tell them that wearing shoes all the time will actually inhibit the muscles you need to keep
your body’s natural arch- and it seems they agree!

“Is walking or running barefoot a good idea?
Be aware that wearing shoes or boots even if they fit comfortably but have rigid arch supports can, over time, degrade the natural flexibility of the foot. This is because the very muscles that give the arch its resilient quality will eventually weaken, owing to the unyielding rigidity of the footwear which immobilizes them.
So, no matter how great the shoe, or how careful you are about your health, occasionally going barefoot is beneficial, because being barefoot can partly restore the natural flexibility of your feet. This is why we suggest walking barefoot around the house, in your backyard, on the beach, or any place where there is no obvious hazard to your feet.

So, even if you don’t have a dog, you can join or start a walking club, and if you need incentive, this morning I was encouraged by the sight of an elderly lady doing laps with her walker.
So if she can do it, what excuse do you have!?

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at or visit us at

Jennifer J. Lamore, BAA, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist Toronto & Missisauga, Ontario