David Kittner Youth Fitness Coach and Carolyn Zepf Sports Therapist Discuss Kids Injury Prevention

October 6, 2011

David Kittner Youth Fitness Coach and Carolyn Zepf Sports Therapist discuss kids fitness and injury prevention

Carolyn and David want to make sure your kids are injury free as they grow.

For more information visit http://www.lebertfitness.com

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For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy atinfo@ultimatesportstherapy.com or visit us athttp://www.ultimatesportstherapy.com/sports-therapy.html

Carolyn Zepf
osteopathy (current study) & Certified Athletic Sports Therapist, Keynote & Professional Speaker

David Kittner Youth Fitness Coach Introduction to Kids fitness

October 6, 2011

Carolyn Zepf  Sports Therapist and David Kittner Youth Fitness Coach at Lebert Fitness http://www.lebertfitness.com Discuss kids fitness and injury prevention

Carolyn and David want to make sure your kids are injury free as they grow.

For more information visit http://www.lebertfitness.com

Comment below

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy atinfo@ultimatesportstherapy.com or visit us athttp://www.ultimatesportstherapy.com/sports-therapy.html

Carolyn Zepf
osteopathy (current study) & Certified Athletic Sports Therapist, Keynote & Professional Speaker

Carolyn Zepf Discusses Back pain “Where Did It Come From”!?!

August 31, 2011

Back pain is no new affliction to the human race.  Back pain can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and even further back to cave men.  In today’s society of long days of sitting, inactivity and fast food restaurants back pain has quickly become the number one most common complaint in our society today.

There are definite similarities between why we experience pain in our backs today as well in past history. Curtain things that would have caused back pain more commonly in times of the past would have been such things as; birth defects from deformed bones due to malnutrition, sickness or trauma.   Also afflictions such as tuberculosis of the spine, rickets and leprosy. At the time people did not have cures or medication for treatment, unfortunately it would have caused the person with any of these diseases to suffer without relief and to have a shortened life span.

Also in past human history our predecessor as a society had more physical demands placed upon them for there survival. The amount of physical strength and athleticism it took to stay alive was of the utmost importance.  Even though our predecessor would have been in better peak muscular strength and flexibility they would have still experience and suffered from aches and pains that we experience in our present today.  Disc pathologies, muscle strains, compressed nerve roots, ligament sprains, arthritis and narrowing of the openings in the bone of the vertebra that the spinal core and nerve root pass.

Unfortunately through in past centuries if you had back pain you would have had to live with that pain, causing decreased quality of life and even a shorter than average life expectancy because you had to fight to survive. Today we can seek out professional help to find a solution to our pain with great success rates and relief.

Keep an eye out for this upcoming series on our blog and YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ultimatesporttherapy

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at info@ultimatesportstherapy.com or visit us at http://www.ultimatesportstherapy.com/sports-therapy.html

Carolyn Zepf
osteopathy (current study) & Certified Athletic Sports Therapist, Keynote & Professional Speaker

Carolyn Zepf Discusses What is Back Pain?

August 16, 2011

What is back pain?

Great question!  Most people have experienced an episode of back pain or will at one point in time in their life.  So what is back pain?

There are many things that can cause us to experience pain in the back area.  Your pain can be due to a disc irritation or protrusion, an entrapped or impinged nerve, misalignments in the spine and pelvis can cause the back area to become painful, muscle imbalances and soft tissue irritation can cause back pain.  Pressure or injury to ligaments, tendons and facets joints can cause back pain.

Ultimate Sports Therapy understands that a lot of people have questions in regards to experiencing or having friends or family go through back pain.   As a clinic we wish to educate and help people understand where their pain is coming from and how they can help themselves over come back pain.  Ultimate Sports Therapy will be doing a series of back pain related articles and videos on the history of back pain, the causes of back pain,  interviewing other professionals in the medical and rehab field on their knowledge and experience on back pain, as well as we will discuss ways to overcome and remain back pain free.

Keep an eye out for this upcoming series on our blog and YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ultimatesporttherapy


For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at info@ultimatesportstherapy.com or visit us at http://www.ultimatesportstherapy.com/sports-therapy.html

Carolyn Zepf
osteopathy (current study) & Certified Athletic Sports Therapist, Keynote & Professional Speaker

Ultimate Sports Therapy – Sports Therapist Carolyn Zepf discusses UST’s Health Assessment

March 24, 2011

There are a number of factors that can hold one back from resolving pain in their body, but many people have not been educated to understand what could be holding them back.   With limited time, energy and money most people decide it is too hard or impossible to find a solution to their pain.  So in many cases, people will just live with their pain and except it as “the way it will always be”!
When I see patients who have lived with their pain for years I always find numerous challenges with their alignment, walking patterns and posture.  This happens because they obviously wanted to reduce their pain and compensated by moving into positions where there was no pain.    Anyone who has had the “pleasure” of experiencing a painful condition can attest to this.  But, we have to consider that after only a few days of compensating for a painful condition your nervous system remembers this poor compensated patterns of movement and recognizes it as “normal”.  This continues even well after your pain is resolved and you have resumed your everyday activities.    An example would be someone continuing to walk with a limp after a painful condition in their lower body is no longer an issue.
At Ultimate Sports Therapy our health assessment is two hours in length and includes lifestyle questions on eating, sleeping, hydration, exercise habits and recognition of physical, mental and emotional stressors.  We take pictures from a front, back and side view.  We assessment the inner and outer unit of the core, do flexibility index test to determine tissue type, test the range of motion at every joint as well as a primal pattern analysis i.e. squat, lunge, push, pull, twist, bend, walking, jogging, sprinting and yes in some cases when needed even a crawling movement assessment.
After the Health Assessment has been completed, we chart the information, download the pictures and make notes on what was found during the assessment and what will need further investigation and treatment.  Once this is done, we have you come back in and review what we have found through your assessment.  Educating you through this process with the help of your pictures and results to reference.  This educational visit is called a results session.  During the results session we encourage you to ask questions to gain greater insight into your condition.  We also outline a program that we feel will best resolve main concerns and underline issues that are causing dysfunction.  The program may include a personalized periodized exercise program, eating plan, treatment plan, life coaching …

If you are living with pain and want to find a solution to your pain, come in and receive a full assessment. If you book one now you will receive a results session for FREE

For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at info@ultimatesportstherapy.com or visit us at http://www.ultimatesportstherapy.com/sports-therapy.html

Carolyn Zepf
osteopathy (current study) & Certified Sports Therapist, Keynote & Professional Speaker